Become a Pre & Postnatal Yoga Teacher
70 hour Yoga Alliance Professionals Approved COURSE
First available course 2023
June 16,17&18 and 23,24&25
Yoga Alliance Professionals
Kate Mundie & Louise Cashin and guest midwife

Welcome- Specialist training
Kate and Louise met in 2017, they immediately hit it off as it became apparent they shared many similar views on the teaching of Yoga and upholding the true essence of the practice. From here a great friendship and working relationship was born and in the spring of 2021 during lockdown Kate joined Louise in teaching a group of budding Yogis online to qualify as Yoga teachers. The intention was to continue working on these trainings together but when Kate fell pregnant in autumn 2021 the focus of their work together shifted slightly.
Together they decided to take advantage of Kate’s pregnancy and document her journey through the trimesters, her birth preparation and the post partum recovery period. Not quite sure at that time where this may lead. Interestingly at the same time Kate found there was a lack of support for experienced Yogis and movement practitioners during pregnancy and she became motivated to change this. So with Louise’s many years of experience teaching pre and postnatal women combined with Kate’s own personal experience and training they created something that they are both incredibly passionate about.
They believe their comprehensive offering will enable Yoga teachers and movement specialists to feel confident and able to effectively support pregnant and post natal women to safely and confidently move, breathe and remain healthy as they practice Yoga and Mindful Movement either as part of an existing class/programme or by designing specialist classes.
Louise &Kate
Mindful Movement and Yoga Teacher Training
70hour Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited course for
First available dates are for Summer Course starting 16th June 2023
Further course in September 2023
Welcome to our training for Yoga Teachers, Personal Trainers and embodied movement therapists working with woman and interested in teaching therapeutic movement, breath and meditations to pregnant women. The training will take place mainly in person, with up to two online live sessions, and there is recorded and written information to assist with your learning. Whilst the schedule is intensive, there will be time in between modules to assimilate and practice the learning, there is also plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions
The course is highly interactive and provides a thorough grounding in the practice and theory of Yoga and its application to pre and post- natal women. It is presented throughout in an inclusive and experiential way to aid faster and more complete assimilation of the information.
Course Aims
The aim of this training is help participants provide a safe and beneficial programme to promote an easeful and healthy pregnancy and positive birth experience, and physical and emotional support postnatally and /or to add new additional practices to their existing work. The course will appeal to anyone who is interested in giving further support for pregnant and postnatal women. Whilst this course is designed by experienced Yoga and Pilates teachers we are keen to open the offering to other professionals looking to add movement, relaxation, breathing and mindful practices to what they already offer women at this precious time
Course Requirments
These are the desired requirements for applicants, consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis in such cases where a student is keen and enthusiastic to join the course yet may not meet all the requirements:
- Certified Yoga Teacher with a minimum 200 hour certification or certification at foundation level in your particular field of expertise for example a Level1 mat Pilates or training in reformer Pilates
- As a minimum, basic level anatomy and physiology appertaining to teaching movement e.g. Yoga classes, or the equivalent in your specific field
- Ideally participants must have at least 2 years continual work in their chosen field- please note ‘current’ however, consideration will be given case by case as necessary
- A personal Yoga/Pilates practice is a plus point or a strong desire to develop one.
- Above all else bags of ENTHUSIASM and COMITTMENT and COMPASSION
Course Overview
The course is divided into 6 modules and each module varies in subject matter and length. Each module’s content is a combination of presentation/lectures, – pre-recorded and live [mainly online live] practical / experiential learnings, Yoga practice and break out discussions.
The following is to give you a brief overview of subject matter only and is not the full detailed syllabus. You are welcome to request the syllabus ahead of time but this will be provided to all course attendees
What is Yoga and how can it help in pregnancy
- Physical and emotional benefits
- Nervous system benefits
- Anatomy & Physiology of pregnancy – the three trimesters. Understanding the changes a woman experiences from a physical, hormonal and psychological view point
- Accepting and adapting- your practice and in your life
- Posture the changing weight distribution in the body and its affects
- Integrating into a ‘normal’ class/regime
- First trimester dilemma- go or no go to class? Practice or no practice?
- Inversion question
- Inclusivity?
Practices for pregnancy, devising a programme
- Breath work, pranayama and ‘normal’ activities- stand well, sit well and lie well and transition between ‘level’ well
- Mindful movement, Yoga postures and stretches. Putting together sequences.
- Creating practices/classes for specific stages of pregnancy and issues encountered related to being pregnant
- Meditations and creative visualisations for pregnancy and birth
- Ways in which Yoga practices can help at birth
- The anatomy and physiology of birth stages
- Practices to help at different stages of labour
- Working with a birth partner
- Elective C- Section considerations and practices to support
- How can Yoga help postnatal women
- Anatomy & Physiology of postnatal body, hormones and emotions.
- The effects of sleep deprivation
- Accepting and adapting- your practice and in your life
- Holding Space – key to how you approaching teaching women at all stages of their motherhood ‘journey’
Holding space means giving support that is free of judgement. It involves a conscious and deliberate choice to put aside our agenda, the need for our own specific outcome and the desire to give advice or “fix” a person or their situation. This is a key component of teaching women at these important stages of their live
- Recap on how people learn
The aim of these sessions is to help and participants understand how adults take in information- their ‘style’ of learning. Some students will best learn through auditory i.e. what is said, others visually, i.e. what is shown and others still need the experience, to use their kinesthetic sense. As pre and postnatal teachers you need to design your classes and teach in a way that appeals to all learning styles. Another way of approaching this is in terms of where the learning takes place. In Yoga we need to consider all three areas. Cognitive learning i.e. head, mind; Affective learning i.e. heart and spirit; Psychomotor i.e. hands, body. We will work on developing classes around all three approaches.
- Observing and listening skills revisited for pre and post-natal students
Key to becoming a competent pre and postnatal Yoga teacher is the ability to observe and to listen well. Observation takes on many different forms. Good teachers observe their students from when they walk into the room- this give a teacher an excellent starting point. How a student enters the room tells a teacher a lot about how that student will approach, enter and transition through their Yoga practice in class. This enables teachers to be more aware of potential obstacles to practices from both physical, emotional and even attitudinal perspectives. Listening to the way students talk, breathe and ‘land’ in their poses also gives teachers much useful information!
The aim of these sessions is to fully equip teachers with the ability to observe and listen so that they can skilfully guide their class, respond to emotional/physical challenges that may arrive with sensitivity and appropriately.
- Language of teaching
The aim of these sessions is to provide teachers with language that encourages and inspires students in class and that clearly indicates to them what they are meant to be doing and provide an environment where ladies feel safe and taken care of
- Teaching aids/additional skills
The aim of these sessions is to create sensitive pre and postnatal teachers
- Touch or not to touch? Adjusting and modifying students whether that be verbally or physically. Skilful adjustments can really help students learn; rough, inappropriate touch could put them off your class for a long time. We will examine the appropriateness of touch in class and in 1:1 teaching
- How to effectively demonstrate as a teacher and using other students to demonstrate can be a helpful learning experience for your class too if done correctly and the aim is to equip teachers with this skill as it can be so much more important to ‘show’ the practice in pr and postnatal than in regular classes .
- Also the use of props is vital to adapt
- Course and class planning
The aim of these sessions is to provide teachers with the ability to:
- Manage and time their classes effectively while still allowing for any quick thinking or changes that may be necessary -and usually are
- Motivate and empower students
- Create themes whether that be a physical theme, or a creative idea
- Use of inspirations in class [poems, quotes, music etc.]
Students are expected to attend all course days. Except where special considerations are in evidence, students are required to register 100% attendance. If a course day is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the content. This may be done in a variety of ways and your teacher will advise you on what is most appropriate in the circumstances. Please note an additional fee of up to £100 may also apply.
Outside the course days, trainees will also be required to :
- Read all pre- course materials which will be available to you up to 10 days prior to start date
- Watch all pre-recorded materials made available to you
- Attend the online live session which will be on Wednesday evening [UK time 7pm-9pm] in between in person course weekends
- Complete all reading and written assignments
- Prepare teaching assignments
- Attend an online live meeting after the course with course tutors in order to graduate
There will be reading and written assignments given after each course weekend Pre- recorded material review between course dates which totals further hours of study
The emphasis is on competence to teach Yoga to pre and postnatal women with sensitivity and in a safe and beneficial way. We would expect each participant to be able to:
- Create an appropriate environment for teaching Pre & Postnatal Yoga
- Provide clear, comprehensive and correct guidance
- Use effective language that encourages and inspires students
- Be fully aware of health and safety considerations and demonstrate their ability to adapt for individual needs ie particular ailments in pregnancy
- Written worksheets (question and answer format)
- Written assignments about particular topics and aspects of teaching this specialised group
- Practice teaching with your fellow course participants so we can assess your ability to teach pre and postnatal ladies
- Journaling [optional] Students will evaluate their own practice and progress through their own reflective self-assessment and through the feedback of their peers and it is recommended they keep a reflective diary showing learning progress.
Course Venue
We use two venues so please check where your course is running it will either be at:
JUNE 2023 course is at
LiveWell Kew- South West London
Quadrant House
Levett Square
Richmond TW9 4FF
We use two venues so please check where your course is running it will either be at:
SEPTEMBER 2023 course is at
The Study Society -West London
Colett House
151 Talgarth Road Hammersmith Square
W14 9DA
Online portions of the courses will normally require Zoom App
Course Dates
Please always arrive on time. We will be open ten minutes earlier if you need so as to arrive fully prepared and ready to begin
June 2023
Course starts on Friday 16th June and finishes on Sunday 25th June it is spread over two long weekends as follows:
First weekend: Friday 16th 13.30-18.30, Saturday 17th 08.30-17.00 and Sunday 18th 09.30-18.00 June [please note this is Fathers day in the UK so please make arrangements outside of course time to celebrate if you do]
Second weekend: NB time as above on each day Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June
Please note online live session is Tuesday 20th June 19.00-21.00
September 2023
Please always arrive on time. We will be open ten minutes earlier if you need so as to arrive fully prepared and ready to begin
Course starts on Saturday 9th September and finishes on Monday 18th September it is spread over two long weekends as follows:
First weekend: Saturday 9th 08.30-17.00, Sunday 10th 09.30-18.00 and Monday 11th 09.30-14.30 September
Second weekend: NB time as above on each day Saturday 16th, Sunday 17th and Monday 18th
Please note online live session is Wednesday 13th September 19.00-21.0
Course Costs
Pay in full- discounted fee
Pay deposit
Pay In full and discount is applied, fee is £850.
Deposit is paid of £290 with the remaining fee paid 4 weeks prior to start date
Fee excludes
- Essential pre-course study and course reference books
- Any essential Yoga props
- Any incidentals cost
- If students are required to make up any class then a £100 fee will apply (plus any
additional costs)
Fee includes
- All tuition and mentoring throughout the course
- Course handbook and any printed and recorded teacher training resources
- Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited teacher training certificate
- Assignments and assessments feedback and assistance
Terms of Payment, cancellation and refund policy
We will provide you with recommendations divided into general interest [pre-postnatal/ birth] and Yoga and movement practice books
Application Process
Email to include –
- A brief CV listing your Yoga training and teaching experience [or equivalent for Pilates etc]
- A brief written reflection about why you want to do the course, what experience you have of pregnancy/postnatal Yoga. What are you hoping to get out of this course but equally what are you willing to put into it , to give back to the group
Meet the teacher/s:-
- Applicants known [optional] and unknown to the course teachers will be invited for a phone or video call to introduce themselves and also ask any questions
If we all agree that this is the course for you – you will receive a written offer
On acceptance:-
To secure their place, successful applicants are asked to pay their deposit or full cost of the course – depending on course start date deposit option may not apply. asked for. letter to join the course.
Save your spot right now
Meet the Team

Louise is an experienced and highly skilled Yoga Teacher Trainer with over three decades of teaching experience. In the early 2000’s Louise focussed on teaching pre and postnatal Yoga and for over 9 years had a very full schedule working with over 100 women every week

Kate is a senior Yoga teacher and dedicated Yoga student of many years. Adapting accordingly during her own pregnancy and postnatal experience has provided excellent material for our course With over 12 years teaching experience, she predominantly teaches a dynamic form of vinyasa.

Perrine qualified as a midwife over 13 years ago and now practises as a Midwifery Sister in Surrey. She is trained in Aromatherapy for childbirth and Biomechanics for Birth and has a special interest in women’s health